Thursday, August 20, 2009

United Breaks Guitars: Song 2

You were asking for it and here it is. United Breaks Guitars: Song 2 is now available. Dave Carroll sent an email today on Facebook thanking his fans for all their support.

United Breaks Guitars (song 1) has reached over 5 million viewers on YouTube. “To say I am overwhelmed would be an understatement” he said.

The second video of the United Breaks Guitars trilogy has now been posted on YouTube. “Although the song highlights serious flaws in customer service policies, which we all hope will change, I still wanted it to be fun and light-hearted and nothing gets you there faster than a tuba! This is the first song I’ve ever written that seemed to call out for that instrument and I think it fits perfectly, making you want to reach out and grab somebody around the shoulder and start swaying back and forth. I hope you enjoy the sequel and I look forward to your feedback” Dave said.

Here is the United Breaks Guitars: Song 2 video. We hope you enjoy it.


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